Cara Termudah Untuk Memasak Enak ~Hokkaido Chiffon Cake With Ganache Filling~

Enak, Sedap and Mudah.

~Hokkaido Chiffon Cake With Ganache Filling~. Hi Mui Mui, your Hokkaido cake look so delightful and well bake. Thanks for sharing your recipe, yours look really nice and cute. Whether I have been to Japan or not, I have never tasted Hokkaido chiffon cupcakes and never know how real and authentic Hokkaido chiffon cupcakes should be.

~Hokkaido Chiffon Cake With Ganache Filling~ I've never been to Hokkaido and I haven't actually tasted Hokkaido cupcakes before I started making these but if these cupcakes are any indication, then Hokkaido must be my spirit homeland. The cupcakes are light like chiffon cake. The filling is delicate, just slightly sweetened whipped cream. You can cook ~Hokkaido Chiffon Cake With Ganache Filling~ using 18 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of ~Hokkaido Chiffon Cake With Ganache Filling~

  1. You need of Bahan-bahan: --------------------.
  2. It's 2 cawan of tepung gandum } diayak.
  3. You need 1 of s/b baking powder }.
  4. Prepare 1 cawan of gula.
  5. It's 1/2 of st garam.
  6. Prepare 1 cawan of susu UHT.
  7. You need 1/2 cawan of minyak sayur.
  8. You need 1/2 of st vanila extract.
  9. It's 5 of biji kuning telur.
  10. Prepare 8 of putih telur.
  11. It's 1/2 of st cream of tartar.
  12. You need of Bahan Custard ---------------------- Sumber : Chef Khairi Mansor.
  13. You need 1 of sudu besar tepung custard.
  14. It's 1 of sudu besar tepung gandum.
  15. It's 4 of sudu besar gula.
  16. You need 200 ml of susu segar.
  17. Prepare 1 of biji telur.
  18. You need 1 of sudu besar mentega.

Hope this happy thoughts and feeling will spread to YOU ^_^ Happy that the cake rise beautifully and with almost no shrink or crack. Happy that my boys and friends love this cake. My Melody Macarons with Mango Ganache (New filling recipe!). She wanted some filled with dark chocolate ganache and some with mango flavoured filling.

~Hokkaido Chiffon Cake With Ganache Filling~ step by step

  1. Cara membuat: ----------------------- 1.Pastikan semua bahan berada di suhu ruang. Panaskan oven 180'C. Ayak tepung,baking powder dan garam..
  2. 2.Dalam bekas yang lain campurkan susu,minyak dan vanila.Kacau rata,kemudian tambahkan kuning telur,kacau rata. Tuang campuran telur ke dalam tepung,pukul lebih kurang 2 minit..
  3. 3.Pukul putih telur bersama cream of tartar sampai berbuih,masukkan gula dalam 2 tahap,pukul sampai soft peak. Campurkan adunan kuning telur ke putih telur dalam 3 tahap,kacau perlahan hingga sebati. masukkan adunan ke dalam papercup (isi penuh ye) susun didalam loyang...hentakkan 1 kali untuk mengeluarkan gelembung udara di adunan. Bakar 20 minit atau hingga masak..
  4. Notes: --------- *Sebelum picitkan ganache,pastikan cupcake sudah sejuk agar cupcake tidak meleleh. Cara memicit ganache ialah dengan mengisi ganache ke dalam piping bag yang diberi nozle no 22. Tekan sedikit ke permukaan cupcake,picit ganache perlahan secukupnya.Buat swirl untuk menutupi lobang di permukaan cupcake,atau boleh juga tanpa swirl di atasnya...
  5. ~Untuk Custard~ *Satukan bahan dan masak hingga adunan pekat dan berkilat (masak atas double boiler). Bancuh tepung dgn 50ml susu segar dahulu baru satukan semua bahan. Sentiasa mengacau filling custard ini untuk mendapatkan filling custard yang licin. Setelah masak sejukkan sebentar custard filling ini. Setelah kek masak dan kek telah sejuk picit custard di tengah2 kek.Cucuk noozle ke dalam dan picit..
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While the dark chocolate filling is a no-brainer, the mango one is a challenge in hot and humid Singapore.. Deco Chiffon Cakes Book (a bestseller in Kinokuniya. Hokkaido Chiffon Cake with Creamy Custard Filling Hokkaido Chiffon Cake. with Creamy Custard Filling. Hokkaido Chiffon Cake With Ganache Filling. Hokkaido Banana Chiffon Cupcakes with Banana Cream Filling 北海道香蕉牛奶蛋糕 Bake for Happy Kids is top Singapore Australia baking cooking food blog written by Zoe, who lives in Melbourne.